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Mandolin plans pdf download

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Gibson Lloyd Loar F-5 Mandolin Plans - Version 4 – Elderly Instruments

Based on a Gibson F-5 mandolin signed by Lloyd Loar in , these full-size, impressively detailed computer generated plans show the instrument from nearly every conceivable angle including front, side, headstock, tailpiece, an inside view showing placement of tonebars, a dramatic view looking down the instrument from headstock to bottom, plus. Building plans for stringed instruments for sale. Georgia Luthier Supply provides guitar plans, ukelele plans, mandolin plans, wood, and much more for the guitar builder. Oct 23,  · Refreshing New Mandolin Design with Free Plan Available Hi all, I’m providing the entire construction plan absolutely free of charge as a downloadable pdf file on my website. The free plan and lots of further details and information are available at my website Mandolin Information Page.

mandolin plans pdf download

Mandolin plans pdf download

Remember Me? Results 1 to 17 of Thread Tools Show Printable Version. As an aficionado of out-of-the-ordinary designs as well as a instrument maker, I thought I would take a crack at solving some of the issues I personally have with the standard mandolin.

Here's my solution: The instrument shown here represents the culmination of my efforts to develop a mandolin that has a longer scale length and lower tuning than a standard instrument but without the excessive reach requirements of something on the lines of the octave mandolin. This instrument plays most easily in the keys of A and E, which was also better suited to my vocal range. It is much like an octave mandolin capoed at the second fret, but in a more compact and very comfortable guitar shape.

All this and it fits perfectly in the rigid foam baritone Ukulele case that I designed it for. And I like this one. I racked my brain to think of a name that was descriptive, but not overly cute. It is what it says it is. Give it a listen and think about my reasoning. I want these out where folks can play them! Malcolm G. Looks and sounds wonderful. It sounds much more like a octave mandolin to me.

I have a small body guitar that I recently converted to a octave mandolin and your mandolin plans pdf download much the same, although your workmanship is certainly far superior. The string gauges are exactly the same as mine. The only thing I did different on mine is the bridge. I'm not skilled enough or have the proper tools to remove the bridge, finish the top and place a one-piece mandolin bridge, mandolin plans pdf download, so I put a standard mandolin tailpiece on the end and ran the strings over the existing bridge and cut new slots on the other side of the existing bridge saddle.

Looks a little odd but it worked great. Mine had a slotted headstock and I love the way mandolin plans pdf download looks. I hope you have a market for this, mandolin plans pdf download. It is a wonderful instrument and sounds beautiful. Here's some photos of mine. I have large hands but I'm still not comfortable with the 22".

This one is really at my upper limit for the stretches I like to do, as witnessed in the video. Plust it's so tiny compared to even a guitar body! I wonder what it might sound like stringed the way a string guitar is strung with each pair tuned an octave apart. I'm not adding this to my Christmas list. This is my Christmas list. Well done! Thats funny, cause just yesterday I saying I wish there was a normal mandolin, but sound alot lower!

How much would ya sell one? Good job man! Kudos to you for 'open-sourcing' the plan so others can build on it. Originally Posted by RayMan7. Thats so awesome man! Originally Posted by rudy Thanks for the complements. I'm always amazed at how good a lot of the Youtube conversions sound. I did double course nylon strings and it actually sounded pretty good, so I rolled up my shirt sleeves and proceeded to butcher some wood.

Suffice it to say that I'm more than happy with the outcome. My friend plays a Weber Octave and Mandola and he's going to have to have one of these, too. I'm a hobby builder and like you, I love trying out different designs. I'm also a convert to your AEBF tuning which I arrived at by accident when I made a Tricone resonator with a 20" scale which I originally wanted to tune like an octave mando, but when I did I found the G string too floppy and muddy, but the whole instrument came to life when I put on light mandola strings and tuned it up a full step.

I then made a travel electric mando with a 19" scale tuned to DAEB with normal mandolin strings. Here's a photo of the pair:. Many thanks for the mandolin plans pdf download. I'll be putting it on my "to do" list!

Keep up the good work. Attached Thumbnails, mandolin plans pdf download. This is my first post on here, but I have followed your ideas and building on another forum for a long time. I have found the mandolin for the first time in my life, and been trying to learn to play the little fellow.

I have built my first mandolin already, and have plans for the second one, but after seeing this, I may have to build your design for my second. I am a beginner for sure, but the sound, scale length and design on this mandolin is something mandolin plans pdf download interests me also. I find the mandolin scale length better than any other instrument that I have played, or attempted to play I should say.

You are a great builder and keep up mandolin plans pdf download good work, and I as well as others appreciate your free pdf's of your designs. Thank you for this wonderful idea, mandolin plans pdf download. It looks about the size of my Regal tenor guitar and Harmony baritone uke, both of which are a perfect and comfortable size for me. I suppose mandolin plans pdf download could be tuned like a mandola as well?

This would make a great project and isn't all that difficult of a build. I play a bunch of different instruments with various scales, and I really like this 19" scale. Not sure about the mandola tuning, I'm sure it could be done with an adjustment to string gauges, but I'm thinking the mandola tuning would benefit from a little shorter scale length.

This one was really designed for the AEBF tuning. Love the playing style. So what you built is just as much a flat top mandola, tuned a step lower and slightly longer scale as it is a flat top octave mandolin tuned a step higher with a slightly shorter scale, mandolin plans pdf download. I did wrestle with exactly what to call this thing. Is that correct? That would put me a half step closer to octave than mandola. All times are GMT The time now is pm.

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Mandolin plans pdf download

mandolin plans pdf download

Building plans for stringed instruments for sale. Georgia Luthier Supply provides guitar plans, ukelele plans, mandolin plans, wood, and much more for the guitar builder. The Mandolin Project The file contains the plans as a printable pdf. The Table of Contents, the introductory chapter (kb pdf) and a History of Mandolin Construction (1Mb pdf) can be downloaded. The epub format is most often used on iPads and other Apple products, but epub readers for other operating systems are available. That project can be found here: Building Mandolin No. Mandolin Plans. Here are the plans I used to build my mandolin: MandolinNodxf. The plans are free to download and copy for reference or as a guide to build your own mandolin. If you don't have a CAD program, there are free CAD viewers available that will let you view and print the plans.

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